Hello, I’m Nick!

Welcome to my messy little corner on the web! This is where I’m supposed to dump thoughts and stories (mostly) about my daily work as an open source programmer and web browser engineer. Enjoy the content and feel free to reach out through the contact links below 👋

Chromium Ozone/Wayland: The Last Mile Stretch

Hey there! I’m glad to finally start paying my blogging debt :) as this is something I’ve been planning to do for quite some time now. To get the ball rolling, I’ve shared some bits about me in my very first blog post Olá Mundo.

In this article, I’m going to walk through what we’ve been working on since last year in the Chromium Ozone/Wayland project, on which I’ve been involved (directly or indirectly) since I’ve joined Igalia back in 2018.

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Olá, mundo!

Hello, world!

Greetings from far north of Brazil! My name is Nick Diego Yamane. I’m originally from Maués, a small town that sits in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Since 2002, I live in Manaus, from where I work remotely for Igalia, a spanish flat worker-owned consultancy specialized in core open source technologies. I’m part of its amazing Chromium team since 2018, along with other talented people spread around the world.

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